Kebijakan Cookies

The website of PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia. uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the proper functioning of the webpages, as well as improve the surfing experience of users.

PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia, on its web sites, does not use cookies to carry out profiling activities with marketing purpose.

This document provides for detailed information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, how they are used on the website and on their management modalities.


Cookies are text files (letters and/or numbers) containing groups of information stored on data subjects’ computer or mobile device every time they visit a website through a browser. At each subsequent visit, the browser sends these cookies to the website which originated them or to another website. Cookies allow websites to store certain information in order to ensure that users can navigate online in a simple and fast way.
Cookies are used for different purposes, have different characteristics and they can be used either by the owner of the website you are visiting, or by third parties.


PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia does not use cookies in its websites for commercial profiling.

The websites of PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia use the following categories of cookies:

Type of cookies Purposes
Session cookies or browsing cookies

These cookies are necessary for a correct functioning of the website and for the use of the services contained therein. In their absence, the website or some of its sections may not work properly.

Therefore, cookies are always used regardless of the users’ preferences. This category of cookies is always sent from our domain.

User may delete these cookies by using  their browser functions.


Service Description Examples Links
Session cookies Necessary for the browsing by users


Statistic Language

Persistent cookies

It enables the user experience remembering the browsing options selected by users





Type of cookies Purposes
Analytics cookies These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the website, such as, for instance, the pages visited more frequently. Such cookies do not store users’ identification data, but they collect only aggregated and anonymous data. These cookies are sent from our domain or by third parties’ domains.


Service Description Examples Links
Session cookies Necessary for the browsing by users


Statistic Language

Persistent cookies

It enables the user experience remembering the browsing options selected by users





Services Description Examples Links
Google Analytics Recording information on how visitors use our website, the details on the visits to our website and the origin of visitors.


_ga, _gat


Type of cookies Purposes
Cookies for the integration of third parties' funcionalities

These cookies are used in relation to the use of functionalities available on the website (e.g., icons of social networks for the sharing of contents or for the use of services provided by third parties).


Service Description Examples Links
Media Services used for videos managed by Akamay and Kaltura.




You can also find more information about cookies and how to manage them by consulting the websites and

Note: third party’s cookies may change name, increase or decrease at any time and without notice by the third party’s provider.

The provision of data by users is optional.

Users of PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia website will provide consent for the provision of data through cookies if they carry out one of the following actions:

  • clicking on the OK button present in the banner;
  • closing the banner through the appropriate button (X);
  • clicking on any other point of the page
  • scrolling the page.

The user always has the option to withdraw consent, by clicking on the links shown in the table above.

Users may set their browser in order to receive a warning on the presence of cookies and decide if accept or refuse them. Moreover, they may delete such cookies through functions available in every browser for the Internet access.

For example, in Internet Explorer, through the menu Tools-> Internet Options -> Privacy, you can access a control panel where it is possible to accept or not the different types of cookies and remove them.



Internet Explorer:



In addition to being able to use the tools provided by the browser to activate or deactivate individual cookies, we inform you that the website lists the main providers which work with website operators to collect and use information useful for the purpose of advertising behavioral. You can deactivate or activate all companies or alternatively adjust your preferences individually for each company. To do so you can use the tool you find on the page to check your preferences on behavioral advertising.

Retention Period

Cookies can be stored for different periods of time depending on the purpose for which they are processed by PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia, or by third party companies, in compliance with the applicable privacy laws. The temporary first session cookies are active for the whole duration of the session; the permanent first session cookies have a validity period of up to 24 months, whereas for third party’s cookies the retention period is indicated by the third parties in the relative websites, accessible through the dedicated links in the table and/or by consulting the websites and